common joint and muscle injuries

Common Joint and Muscle Injuries – Joint & muscle injuries can occur from overuse or over stretching causing painful inflammation. Find out how to treat sprains, tendonitis & other common injuries.

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Joint Injuries

Typical joint injuries occur in the knees, ankles, wrists, shoulders and elbows. These joints can swell and suffer from inflammation and redness, making them immobile and limiting their range of motion.

Joint injuries often occur as a result of bicycle wrecks, falling in contact sports, and car accidents. They can range from sprains to fractures and dislocations.

Common joint injuries include:

  • Runners Knee
  • Plica Syndrome of the Knee
  • Rotator Cuff Injury (Shoulder)
  • Sprained Ankle

Symptoms of Joint Injuries:

  • Joint pain
  • Inflammation
  • Redness
  • Stiffness
  • Weakness
  • Instability
  • Swelling 
  • Reduced range of motion

Treatment of Joint Injuries

Inflammation, swelling and redness can be reduced by cooling the injured area with a cold pack.

Braces can help in cases of instability or too much joint movement by improving coordination of joints and improving stability. The range of Elastoplast Sport supports and braces covers knee, ankle, elbow and wrist, and provides relief and support of joint pain and injuries.

Knee joint stiffness and arthritis will be helped by heat therapy.


Muscle and Tendon Injuries

A tendon is the fibrous tissue that attaches muscle to bone in the human body. When muscles and tendons become too weak, their ability to stabilise joints is reduced. This can quickly become a challenge for the joints and often leads to joint injuries. Weak muscles also deliver less endurance during activity, and are more susceptible to injury.
When there is excessive stretching of a muscle or tendon resulting in pain, soreness and inability to use normally it’s called a strain. Signs of strain: pain, muscle contraction or tremor, and loss of strength.

Common muscle and tendon injuries include:

  • Tendovaginitis (inflammation of the sheath of the tendon)
  • Tendonitis 
  • Tennis Elbow
  • Groin Strain
  • Achilles Tendonitis Pain 
  • Shin Splints

How Do Muscle and Tendon Injuries Occur?

Overuse of one body part (i.e. the shoulder in golf or tennis) can lead to chronic muscle pain. Ankles are especially prone to tendon injuries such as sprains.

Strains can be caused by excessive use, pull or stretching of muscles or tendons. Strains may come about suddenly or develop from chronic use or overuse.

Symptoms of Tendon and Muscle Injury

  • Swelling
  • Moderate hematoma
  • Pain with range of motion
  • Weakness
  • Stiffness
  • No muscle endurance
  • Instable joints

A severe sprain might feel the same as a broken ankle so it’s important that the sprain is examined and attended to by a doctor in order to rule out a fracture.

Injury Treatment for Muscles and Tendons

Acute muscle and tendon injuries can be treated with RICER. Reduce inflammation and pain by cooling the area with a cold pack, applying an Elastoplast Crepe Bandage and elevating the injured area.

Heat therapy works by relieving pain, reducing muscle spasm and improving circulation to the injured area.

To increase muscle stability and prevent strains in your legs and ankles, try this short exercise to strengthen your calf muscles and ankles