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Kids First Aid Our Mission

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Our Mission

Welcome to the Elastoplast Kids First Aid program! Here at Elastoplast, we are on a mission to empower the next generation of life savers by teaching First Aid from a young age.

Did you know the majority (85%) of Australian parents have attended First Aid training, yet just 14% say they are confident? This is the basis behind our program and why it was created - to teach and empower children to learn the fundamentals of first aid in an accessible way, giving them a life-long and life-saving skill set.

As part of Beiersdorf we at Elastoplast look back over our years of expertise and what we can do to give back and help others. When looking at our social mission, our cause was obvious: providing First Aid Education to Children around the World. We pledge to train more than 200,000 children around the world in first aid by 2025. This wound care education will empower these children to protect themselves and others from those everyday scrapes and bruises. You can learn more about our Social Mission at Elastoplast here.

Here are the basics:


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Created in conjunction with the Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation (ACHPER) and with input from practicing teachers in both Australia and New Zealand, the resources are mapped to the current curriculums. These resources are then geared towards Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 in Australia and Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 in New Zealand so it is understandable for the age group and re-enforced in foundational years.



You Gov

We at Elastoplast teamed up with YouGov to find out what parents thought about how to properly prepare their children for First Aid situations. Nearly all (98%) Aussie parents think that it is very/somewhat important for their child(ren) to have good/basic knowledge of First Aid appropriate to their age and four in five parents believe that schools should be responsible for teaching age appropriate First Aid knowledge to children.



With that in mind, if you are looking to implement the Elastoplast Kids Aid Program at your school or place of work involving children, register your interest below.


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The Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation Inc. (ACHPER) is the leading professional association representing teachers and other professionals working in the fields of health and physical education in Australia. ACHPER works in school and community settings and has a proven record in managing projects of national significance, including curriculum development, publishing of resource materials and professional development.